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Is my application secure from hacker

15 August, 2007 (11:21) | PHP, programming, web security | 62 comments

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To make my application secure I apply the following:

1. protect hammering by blocking host
2. use shttp to send unser information encrypted
3. Apply tocken along with PHP session id
4. hash password in a good meaner
5. use session timeout to a lower value like 10 min.
6. sanitize user input & apply protection against SQL injection

After applying all these methods now I am confused about security of my application. How secure am I from all aspect of security issues.

I read some articles on security of PHP application and I found all these listed above. Now I want to know what are the additional techniques I should apply to protect my application. What are the techniques all secure sites follow like yahoo or gmail or e-commerce sites.

My First application on CakePHP

14 August, 2007 (05:32) | CakePHP, PHP | 3 comments

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Developing an application using CakePHP is a big challenge specially for those who are new to cake. And this is my case. I was encouraged to develop my next application on cake trying some tutorials. But when I started my application which is a employee management system for a university I found a lot’s of problem.

Most of them are due to my inconvenience with cake and some of them are due to cake’s auto framework. But I am solving all problems as I am required to submit my project according to a deadline. Though I already missed a deadline.

However, this the not the problem, the problem is I am confused about the way I am solving problems. Am I following the standard or not. Cause if I go wrong way during development then it will trouble me during maintenance. I am always confused that cake may have a better way to solve this problem.

I think this is a unique problem for all cake novice.

Our Farewell from Presidency University

6 August, 2007 (22:32) | personal | No comments


Date: 4th August, 2007

Today, it was our farewell day. We arranged the program with the follower batch. We invited our faculties, VC Sir, Registrar Sir and our classmates who have completed their course last semester. It was a great meeting of we three batches.

The whole day I was emotional. I went to speech on behalf of graduating students of our department but for the first time I could not speak any thing on the stage. I just cried in from of all. Actually I loved the university very much.

At the end of the program there was an nice arrangement for dinner. And Suman, our Rock Star, sang few songs during the program. Goni bai recited a poem of our Tanveer sir. Because of this Tanveer sir was so happy.

We concluded the program nicely and It was a successful program. Thanks to every body for a nice program.

As a student, I used to have a taboo to marijuana. But now, I know that it has medicinal applications that are very beneficial for humans. It is better to consume pot seeds before any traditional medicine to alleviate the stress produced by high workloads. Take care because the doses are adequate for human consumption.



Last class at PU

6 August, 2007 (22:04) | personal, Presidency | No comments


Date: 4th August, 2007

Today i attended to the last class at Presidency University of my Graduation Program in Civil Engineering. The class was taken by Rudaba Madam. I was feeling unhappy for the whole day. Even madam behaved emotionally with us. Caused we were her best students till now. We all classmates including teachers were too much friendly and we did lots of fun during class.

I can’t think that this is our end. It seems to me that we are loosing our nearest one. We were the senior batch of this university. During this study period I attended to many activities so I am feeling too bad.

However, this is the life. Wish the relationship between me and my classmates will remain close.

Looks like I have got what I was looking for: I will be able to sell hemp oil

3 August, 2007 (20:16) | web | 5 comments

Today, I have got a good free hosting service who are providing me all the facilities what I was looking for. They are http://www.good-host.com/.


Looks like after setting everything up, I will finally be able to sell hemp oil! I will start big by selling it on hemp oil amazon. Let’s see how things develop for a little while. It took a lot of work to get here.

Today I set up my domain raynux.com with gmail. From now on I will use ray@raynux.com as my email address along with rayhanwm@gmail.com.

Thanks to Allah.

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